Epic Day
acdawg712, May 01 2010
The end result: I'm a graduate of the University of Michigan with a BS in Actuarial Mathematics.
After drinking rather heavily last night, I had to get up at 6:30am with 4 hours of sleep to pouring rain. My housemates and I walk to the field where all the graduates are convening and mingle around for a bit before we go to the Big House where commencement was held.
We mingled around for about 3 hours seeing fellow graduates before commencement began. After about an hour of various speeches and other processes, the commencement speaker entered stage right.

President Obama did not disappoint. He is a phenomenal speaker and has an aura about him. He was quite funny and engaged every person in the stadium. He began with some light material about reading 10 letters a day including letters from a 1st grade class in which a student asked if he lived near a volcano. The President then discussed the importance of government in the country, regarding the proper amount of regulation. One funny criticism he received was the interference of the government on Medicare, which is funny because Medicare is a government program. The end result was that the best government needs the involvement of the people. The people must be educated and participate to ensure this. The President ended his speech by urging the graduates to protect rights and forge a common future. He referred to the classic phrase "Treat others as you would treat yourself". He urged us to fight the prejudices so commonly found in American and ignore race, skin, and sexuality in choosing our day to day lives. This especially resonated with me because I took a class this semester regarding the importance of equality of Socio Economic Class, which involves class, race, gender, and sexuality. Of course, he spoke with such eloquence and intelligence.
Afterwords, I had lunch and a small commencement with my major and said my goodbyes to many of my friends and classmates throughout the rest of the day in my last day of undergraduate life. My house now has no internet so I've been typing this for 20 minutes as I meet the last of my friends for some drinks.
I'll be in Atlantic City at Harrah's and Borgata for the 2+2 Borgata Party from Tuesday-Thursday. Stop by if you can. Then i'll be chilling until the 13th when I will go to Taiwan until the 31st. I hope to see some college friends then. June is rather open for me right now and I hope I will be able to visit Vegas then. Thanks for reading and good luck/congrats to all graduating students!
lol bodog
acdawg712, Apr 11 2010
Besides the fact you can't open more than 4 tables and their traffic is almost 0. Their system is terribad.
Dear Alan,
Thank you for contacting Bodog Poker Customer Service.
With regards to your request we are unable to provide you tournament history, as our system is unable to generate this type of information. Please note we do offer the option for you to review your hand history.
To view the hand activity yourself, please open the Poker Lobby, click on the gray 'Account' button at the top right-hand corner of the screen, select the 'Hand History' button, and enter in the hand ID number.
Thank you very much for writing. Should you have any questions, or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Poker Customer Service
The low traffic means I know the players pretty well and have done good at PLO 50 recently. I also took 2nd in a 11 tourney for 81 as well today. I'm too lazy to set up HEM on my new comptuer(it's been 5 months). Put on some money on stars, been up and down. I plan to play almost every holdem and plo scoop-low event as well. Graduation will be in 3 weeks and then it will be mainly poker for the good part of 2 and half months. Gl all.
Atlantic City in May anyone?
acdawg712, Apr 06 2010
If anyone is from the Mid-Atlantic area and wants to go to Borgata from May 4th-6th, let me know. 2+2 is having a 'party' with reduced hotel rates, free breakfast and lunch buffets, prize drawings, and a tournament. Unfortunately, Mason Malmuth is a hardass so everything is techinically public.
I've been playing a little poker on Bodog recently, PLO 25 and 50 as well as 10 dollar sngs. It's been ok but I've cashed out to finish up the school year. I'll be graduating in May from the University of Michigan, culminating in a speech from President Obama. From there, I'll be grinding in AC for a couple week before heading to Taiwan(anyone there?) from May 13th to 31st. Then I plan on going to Las Vegas sometime in the month and a half before full-time work begins in Central Jersey. I plan on grinding the tournaments and 1/2 and 2/5 on weekends as I settle into full time work, unless I quickly meet new people. Anyway, I have class in 4.5 hours so GL all in poker and life.
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